Friday, December 28, 2012

above/ground press titles make up nearly half of Amanda Earl's "Best of 2012: chapbooks" list

What do "best of" lists mean? Less when you aren't on them, I suppose. Ottawa writer, publisher and lit-blogger Amanda Earl was good enough to include ten different above/ground press chapbooks on her twenty-three chapbook "Best of 2012: chapbooks" list. With her original post here, I include her included list of above/ground press titles (with appropriate links): Christine McNair and rob mclennan, Prelude: selections from a collaboration ; Kathryn MacLeod, Entropic Suite ; Roland Prevost, Parapagus ; rob mclennan, Notes, on the subject of marriage: ; rob mclennan, Poem beginning with a line by Pinder ; Barry McKinnon, Into the Blind World ; Kemeny Babineau, After Progress ; Stephen Brockwell, Excerpts from Impossible Books, the Crawdad Cantos ; George Elliott Clarke, Selected Canticles ; Robert Hogg, from Lamentations. Thanks, Amanda!

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